Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shufflecomp 2014 Review: Sparkle, by Karly Di Caprio

One-line summary: Puzzle fest in a setting of Asia style. It is abandoned and dirty near the mountain top, but you can change things if you "put your mind" to it.

Game inspired by: "Equivalencies," by King Missile

Things I liked: Well implemented. Game has some surprise compared to what it looks like in the very beginning. Quirky story told with the straight face. The beginner puzzles were the right level of difficult for me, and I reached an ending "winning" without needing the hints.

Things I might like to see different: There was a little bit of letdown with the ending I got. I unlocked some Achievements, but the others must use some advanced puzzling. These seem too tough and I did not try them for long.

Also I had some problem at one point that made me feel bad for a NPC. In ROT13 because the spoilers (

V chg gur syhgr va gur yrsg qhzojnvgre naq gura punatrq vg gb qbt. Guvf znxrf gur evtug qhzojnvgre pbzr va. Ohg nsgre gung, V pbhyq abg trg gur qbt onpx! V guvax V gevrq PUNATR QBT yvxr gur uvag fnvq, ohg gur tnzr fnvq V jnf gbb sne njnl be fbzr guvat. V nyfb gevrq chggvat rirelguvat V unq va gur evtug qhzojnvgre, ohg vg jnfa'g urnil rabhtu. Cbbe qbt.


  1. About your last problem:

    Gnxr bar bs gubfr urnil fgnghrf naq chg vg va gur bgure qhzojnvgre. Gur qbt jvyy pbzr onpx. (Guvf vf bar bs gur npuvrirzragf.)

    Abg fher vs lbh pna whfg chg gur fgnghr va gur qhzojnvgre vafgrnq bs gur qbt.

    This actually unlocks one of the achievements.

  2. O! That makes the perfect sense. I cannot complain about the puzzle aspect of that. Let me say some different thing I might like to see different then (again using rot13, ):

    V qbag guvax V fnj guvf jura V ernpurq zl jvaavat: Fbzr fbeg bs zrffntr, znlor sebz gur fuvsh, gung gur cbbe fghpx cbbpuvr jbhyq or erfphrq sebz gur yrsg fvqr qhzojnvgre. Vs gurer jnf n zrffntr yvxr guvf naq V zvffrq vg, gura V unir ab pevgvpvfzf ng nyy. Vs abg, gura n zrffntr yvxr gung zvtug uryc erqhpr gur thvygl pbafpvrapr naq oevat zber gur rayvtugrarq srryvatf.

    1. Lrnu, V'z abg fher rknpgyl jung lbh pna qb gurer. V ghearq gur qbt onpx vagb gur syhgr gb gnxr vg bhg bs gur qhzojnvgre, ohg gura vg jbhyqa'g yrg zr ghea vg onpx vagb n qbt rira gubhtu V'q qbar fbzrguvat ryfr gung fubhyq'ir znqr gur qbt unccvre (naq rnearq nabgure npuvrirzrag). V qba'g xabj vs gurer ner fbzr bgure guvatf lbh pna qb, znlor gb rnea fbzr zber npuvrirzragf -- hasbeghangryl gur vagrecergre V jnf hfvat sebmr hc jura V gevrq gb erfgneg gur tnzr.
